Organisation Structure

Membership is open to natural and legal persons dealing with individualized dose reconstruction for emergency preparedness or scientific research (e.g. national and local authorities, research institutes, universities, hospitals, support organizations).
RENEB is composed of the following membership categories:
- Voting members
- Associate members
- Honorary members
- Supporting members
Voting members are legal persons dealing with individualized dose reconstruction for emergency preparedness or scientific research.
Associate members are natural persons who contribute to the objectives or activities of RENEB.
Honorary members are natural persons who have made outstanding contributions to the realisation of RENEB or the aims of RENEB.
Supporting members are natural or legal persons which do not meet the requirements for voting members but have an interest in the work of the Association. They support the Association through counsel or by financial means
Bodies of the Association
- General Assembly
- Working Groups
- Council
- Board
The General Assembly is composed of the delegates of the voting members and is responsible for the governance of RENEB and for the identification of objectives and strategy.
The General Assembly may decide to establish Working Groups.
The Council is composed of the members of the Board and the heads of the Working Groups, if such have been established. The Council defines the strategy of RENEB and identifies the need for activities. Both are subjects to the approval by the General Assembly.
The Board consists of
- the Chairperson
- the Vice-Chairperson
- the Secretary
- the Treasurer.